When I said that my husband does not like drawing male characters ... he would have been able to make me Nigel or Mbwa, no he drew me a character whom I do not even have still in doll ... Dryss's twin sister, Hatalie!!!
Notez, il l'a super bien représentée avec son petit air supérieur qui agace tellement Dryss. Et puis se costume, c'est juste waooo !!! Il a même penser à faire son sac de médecin. Juste les boucles anglaises blanches @_@ normalement elle à les même cheveux longs et bruns que sa sœur, mais bon c'est sa vision d'artiste. Si vous voulez voir d'autres de ses illustrations : Studio Picksel
Note, he great well represented her with her small upper air which annoys so much Dryss. And this dresses, just amazing!!! He has even to think of making her doctor's bag. Just her white hair @_@ normally she in them even long and brown hair as her sister, but well it is his artist vision. If you want to see others of his(her,its) illustrations: Studio Picksel